Category: News EN

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Press Release: Santa Claus 2014 in Seborga

Anche quest’anno, come ormai da tradizione e nell’ambito delle Festività Natalizie, il giorno 14-12-2014, con inizio dalle ore 11.00, fino alle ore 18.00, sotto legida del C.C.N.( Centro Commerciale Naturale) , si ter...

PRESS REVIEW: Brothers Mutte indicted for scams in Lisieux (France)

Below you will find a press review of external newspaper articles concerning the scam indictment of the Mutte brothers, self-proclaimed "Prince of Seborga" after their 2016 "coup d'état". More information and updates...

Prince Marcello has called for early election of the new Prince of Seborga Pubblicazione Decreto 13/07/19 – Il Principe Marcello ha convocato votazioni anticipate per l’elezione del nuovo Principe di Seborga, la cui data sarà definit...

Princess Nina has called for the elections of the 5 Crown Councilors elected by popularly to be held on Sunday 9 February

La Principessa Nina ha firmato questa mattina il Decreto che indice le elezioni dei cinque Consiglieri della Corona di nomina popolare, ai sensi dell’art. 8 degli Statuti Generali, promulgando contestualmente anche...

S.A.S. Marcello I announces the intention to abdicate from the office of Prince of Seborga. Upon effective abdication, the Crown Council will take over the regency of the Principality.

This afternoon (ed. April 12th) S.A.S. Prince Marcello sent a letter to the Crown Council in which he expressed his intention to irrevocably renounce the office of Prince of Seborga, to whom he had been re-elected on...

S.P. Oberoi appointed Consulate General of Seborga

Telecasted on Chardikla Time T.V. For more Log on to:

Seborga float for the flower parade of Sanremo

Seborga float for the flower parade (Corso Fiorito) of Sanremo, March 8, 2015. The flower float Seborga is dedicated this year to the cyclist Marco Pantani, the pirate.

Seborga: 17/01/15: visita ufficiale della nazionale calcistica del principato

Visita ufficiale della nazionale calcistica del principato di Seborga al cospetto di Principe Marcello I, giornio di 17 genaio 2015. Il Principe SAS Marcello I ed il Ministro degli Esteri Nina Dobler Menegatto si s...

Signature of a protocol of agreement for international humanitarian operations with Bénin Tata Somba

On August the 20th, 2015, during the National Day of the Principality of Seborga, a protocol of agreement for humanitarian operations in cooperation with the association "Bénin Tata Somba" was signed by the Prince H.S...

Signature with NF-Board

Signature with NF-Board (06/06/2014) The Football Federation of the Principality of Seborga has signed an agreement to integrate the NF-Board. The NF-Board (New Federation-Board) is an international football federat...