Category: Lifestyle

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Release of the book “Seborga: a place, a history, a Principality” Marcel Mentil presents his book "Seborga: a place, a history, a Principality" (written in French). The book is a summary of key dates in the history of the Principality starting from...

The Italy Diaries – This is Seborga!

This is Seborga! «Seborga is a principality that was born in 954. There is no document that proves that Seborga was bought by Italy or by the Savoy Monarchs. We have everything is needed for an independent State: pass...

Press Release: Santa Claus 2014 in Seborga

Anche quest’anno, come ormai da tradizione e nell’ambito delle Festività Natalizie, il giorno 14-12-2014, con inizio dalle ore 11.00, fino alle ore 18.00, sotto legida del C.C.N.( Centro Commerciale Naturale) , si ter...

Christmas Party a Seborga the 8th of December 2017

Venerdì 8 dicembre, in occasione della Festa dell’Immacolata, cominceremo (finalmente!) ad entrare nel clima natalizio! Tutto il giorno in Piazza Martiri Patrioti si terrà un mercatino di Natale. Alle 14.30 Babbo N...

08/20/2018: NATIONAL DAY OF THE PRINCIPALITY OF SEBORGA 2018 – Saint Bernard New National day 2018 with the religious procession of Saint Bernard statue from the church of Saint Martin to the Saint Bernard chapel in presence of the Prince S.A.S. Marcello I of Se...

La Domenica Unplugged – TRADA (Live acoustic session) Discover and relive one of the afternoon "La Domenica Unplugged" with the band TRADA which plays in the Linda McCluskey's garden (painter) on 20th of August 2017. TRADA is an acousti...

05/24/2015: Visit of the delegation of the Embassy of Provence and of the “Corps du Guet et de Bravade” of Toulon (France)

Visit of the delegation of the Embassy of Provence and of the "Corps du Guet et de Bravade" of Toulon (France) For the 5th anniversary of the investiture of Prince S.A.S. Marcello I, the Embassy of Provence has bee...

WORDS OF SEBORGIANS # 1: Joceline & Ivana (VIDEO) Check out the new video playlist with Seborgian testimonials ! WORDS OF SEBORGIANS # 1: Joceline Ruppe & Ivana Carbone talk about them and about the life in Seborga.

TgR Liguria “Il Settimanale” 3 Janurary 2015 – Principality of Seborga

Servizio sul Principato di Seborga del TgR della Liguria "Il Settimanale" andato in onda il 3 gennaio 2015. Interviste a S.A.S. Marcello I, Principe di Seborga e al Sindaco Enrico Ilariuzzi.

Seborga float for the flower parade of Sanremo

Seborga float for the flower parade (Corso Fiorito) of Sanremo, March 8, 2015. The flower float Seborga is dedicated this year to the cyclist Marco Pantani, the pirate.